About the course

The Ethereum Yellow Paper Course was created by Dominik Teiml, Ethereum Tech Lead at Ackee Blockchain. It was originally an internal course for our auditors, but we decided to make it publicly available and share it with the community. It is intended for anyone interested in an advanced, in-depth study of the Yellow Paper

Course content

The course is composed of three lessons, thus covering a significant part of the Yellow Paper.

Lesson 1 is a precursor to the YP and it is a high-level overview of the Ethereum Virtual Machine and some useful tools, in this case, Remix. In Lesson 2, Dominik goes through several important chapters and then discusses the appendices in Lesson 3.

Specifically, the following chapters and appendices are covered:
  • Ch. 4. Blocks, State and Transactions
  • Ch. 6. Transaction Execution
  • Ch. 7. Contract Creation
  • Ch. 8. Message Call
  • Ch. 9. Execution Model
  • App. G. Fee Schedule
  • App. H. Virtual Machine Specification


Are you ready to dive into studying the Yellow Paper with us?

🎥 Watch the course here.


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