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IndexRangeAccess class #

Bases: ExpressionAbc

Represents an index range access to a dynamic calldata array (other types are not currently supported). Both start and end indices are optional.


arr[1:2] in the following example:

function foo(uint[] calldata arr) external {

Source code in wake/ir/expressions/
class IndexRangeAccess(ExpressionAbc):
    Represents an index range access to a dynamic calldata array (other types are not currently supported).
    Both start and end indices are optional.

    !!! example
        `:::solidity arr[1:2]` in the following example:
        function foo(uint[] calldata arr) external {

    _ast_node: SolcIndexRangeAccess
    _parent: SolidityAbc  # TODO: make this more specific

    _base_expression: ExpressionAbc
    _start_expression: Optional[ExpressionAbc]
    _end_expression: Optional[ExpressionAbc]

    def __init__(
        init: IrInitTuple,
        index_range_access: SolcIndexRangeAccess,
        parent: SolidityAbc,
        super().__init__(init, index_range_access, parent)
        self._base_expression = ExpressionAbc.from_ast(
            init, index_range_access.base_expression, self

        if index_range_access.start_expression is None:
            self._start_expression = None
            self._start_expression = ExpressionAbc.from_ast(
                init, index_range_access.start_expression, self

        if index_range_access.end_expression is None:
            self._end_expression = None
            self._end_expression = ExpressionAbc.from_ast(
                init, index_range_access.end_expression, self

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[IrAbc]:
        yield self
        yield from self._base_expression
        if self._start_expression is not None:
            yield from self._start_expression
        if self._end_expression is not None:
            yield from self._end_expression

    def parent(self) -> SolidityAbc:
        return self._parent

    def base_expression(self) -> ExpressionAbc:
            Calldata array expression being indexed.
        return self._base_expression

    def start_expression(self) -> Optional[ExpressionAbc]:
        If not specified, the start index is assumed to be `0`.

            Start expression or `None` if the start index is not specified.
        return self._start_expression

    def end_expression(self) -> Optional[ExpressionAbc]:
        If not specified, the end index is assumed to be the length of the array.

            End expression or `None` if the end index is not specified.
        return self._end_expression

    def is_ref_to_state_variable(self) -> bool:
        # index range access in only supported for dynamic calldata arrays
        return False

    def modifies_state(
    ) -> Set[Tuple[Union[ExpressionAbc, StatementAbc, YulAbc], ModifiesStateFlag]]:
        ret = self.base_expression.modifies_state
        if self.start_expression is not None:
            ret |= self.start_expression.modifies_state
        if self.end_expression is not None:
            ret |= self.end_expression.modifies_state
        return ret

base_expression: ExpressionAbc property #


Type Description

Calldata array expression being indexed.

end_expression: Optional[ExpressionAbc] property #

If not specified, the end index is assumed to be the length of the array.


Type Description

End expression or None if the end index is not specified.

start_expression: Optional[ExpressionAbc] property #

If not specified, the start index is assumed to be 0.


Type Description

Start expression or None if the start index is not specified.