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NewExpression class #

Bases: ExpressionAbc

A new expression may create:

  • a new contract, e.g. new ERC20(),
  • a new array, e.g. new uint[](10),
  • a new bytes or string, e.g. new bytes(10).
Source code in wake/ir/expressions/
class NewExpression(ExpressionAbc):
    A new expression may create:

    - a new contract, e.g. `:::solidity new ERC20()`,
    - a new array, e.g. `:::solidity new uint[](10)`,
    - a new `:::solidity bytes` or `:::solidity string`, e.g. `:::solidity new bytes(10)`.

    _ast_node: SolcNewExpression
    _parent: SolidityAbc  # TODO: make this more specific

    _type_name: TypeNameAbc

    def __init__(
        self, init: IrInitTuple, new_expression: SolcNewExpression, parent: SolidityAbc
        super().__init__(init, new_expression, parent)
        self._type_name = TypeNameAbc.from_ast(init, new_expression.type_name, self)

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[IrAbc]:
        yield self
        yield from self._type_name

    def parent(self) -> SolidityAbc:
        return self._parent

    def type_name(self) -> TypeNameAbc:

        - [UserDefinedTypeName][] referencing [ContractDefinition][] when creating a new contract,
        - [ArrayTypeName][] when creating a new array,
        - [ElementaryTypeName][] when creating new `:::solidity bytes` or `:::solidity string`.

            Type name of the object to be created.
        return self._type_name

    def is_ref_to_state_variable(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def modifies_state(
    ) -> Set[Tuple[Union[ExpressionAbc, StatementAbc, YulAbc], ModifiesStateFlag]]:
        if isinstance(self.type, Contract):
            return {(self, ModifiesStateFlag.DEPLOYS_CONTRACT)}
            return set()

type_name: TypeNameAbc property #



Type Description

Type name of the object to be created.