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YulCase class #

Bases: YulAbc

Represents a single case in a YulSwitch statement.


Lines 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12 in the following example:

uint x = foo();
assembly {
    switch x
    case 0 {
        // ...
    case 1 {
        // ...
    default {
        // ...
Source code in wake/ir/yul/
class YulCase(YulAbc):
    Represents a single case in a [YulSwitch][] statement.

    !!! example
        Lines 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12 in the following example:

        ```solidity linenums="1"
        uint x = foo();
        assembly {
            switch x
            case 0 {
                // ...
            case 1 {
                // ...
            default {
                // ...

    _parent: YulSwitch
    _body: YulBlock
    _value: Union[Literal["default"], YulLiteral]

    def __init__(self, init: IrInitTuple, case_: SolcYulCase, parent: YulAbc):
        super().__init__(init, case_, parent)
        self._body = YulBlock(init, case_.body, self)
        if case_.value == "default":
            self._value = "default"
            self._value = YulLiteral(init, case_.value, self)

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[YulAbc]:
        yield self
        yield from self._body
        if self._value != "default":
            yield from self._value

    def parent(self) -> YulSwitch:
            Parent IR node.
        return self._parent

    def body(self) -> YulBlock:
            Body of the case.
        return self._body

    def value(self) -> Union[Literal["default"], YulLiteral]:
        May be either a [YulLiteral][] or the string `default`.
        `default` is used for the default case when neither of the cases match. The default case
        is optional.

            Value that is compared to the switch expression.
        return self._value

    def modifies_state(
    ) -> Set[Tuple[Union[ExpressionAbc, StatementAbc, YulAbc], ModifiesStateFlag]]:
        return self._body.modifies_state

body: YulBlock property #


Type Description

Body of the case.

parent: YulSwitch property #


Type Description

Parent IR node.

value: Union[Literal['default'], YulLiteral] property #

May be either a YulLiteral or the string default. default is used for the default case when neither of the cases match. The default case is optional.


Type Description
Union[Literal['default'], YulLiteral]

Value that is compared to the switch expression.