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Command-line interface#

Detectors and printers provide a command-line interface through the Click library. It is recommended to read the Click documentation for information about how to use it. This section provides additional tips how to make command-line interactions with detectors and printers more user-friendly.

Name completions#

Wake offers a custom SolidityName click type that can be used with Click options and arguments to provide name completions for Solidity functions, modifiers, etc.


Refer to the Installation section for how to enable shell completions.


SolidityName completions are only available after the project has been compiled.

The SolidityName type accepts one or multiple types of auto-completed names represented by the following constants:

  • "contract",
  • "enum",
  • "error",
  • "event",
  • "function",
  • "modifier",
  • "struct",
  • "user_defined_value_type,
  • "variable".

Additionally, the SolidityName type accepts the following boolean keyword arguments:

  • case_sensitive - whether the completions should be case-sensitive,
  • canonical - whether canonical names should be auto-completed, e.g. ContractName.functionName,
  • non_canonical - whether non-canonical (local) names should be auto-completed, e.g. functionName.


In the following example, both canonical and non-canonical function and modifier names are auto-completed case-insensitively:

    type=SolidityName("function", "modifier", case_sensitive=False),
    help="Function and modifier names",


In order to have the shell completions as quick as possible, all unnecessary imports should be avoided or delayed for the time when the command is actually run. To achieve this, it is the best to follow these recommendations:

  • It is strongly recommended to start with the templates provided by the wake up command.
  • Any additionally needed imports should be placed inside functions and methods, not at the top of the file.
  • networkx, and modules are lazy-loaded, their members should not be accessed at the top level of the file or at the top level of the detector/printer class.
    • This is not necessary for type annotations as long as from __future__ import annotations is used.

The following example shows common patterns that lead to additional delays in shell completions:

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path  # (1)!
from typing import Set, Tuple, Union

import graphviz  # (2)!
import networkx as nx
import rich_click as click
from rich import print

import as ir
import as types
from wake.cli import SolidityName
from wake.printers import Printer, printer

class MyPrinter(Printer):
    restricted_nodes = (  # (3)!

  1. Both pathlib and typing modules may be imported at the top level of the file as they are imported by the Wake runtime anyway.
  2. graphviz module is not lazy-loaded, it should be imported inside a function or a method that uses it.
  3. members accessed at the top level of the class. This will case the module to be loaded. Instead, a property or a helper function should be used: